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Your vet can help!
August Is Itchy Pet Awareness Month

Your vet team is there to not only diagnose and treat your dog's frequent licking, chewing, and scratching, but also as a resource for helpful information on the possible causes, treatments, and more!


Allergic itch might be the reason your dog is so itchy

Hear Dr. Hutchens, a veterinarian, describe allergic itch in dogs and what you can do to relieve your dog's itch so they can get back to feeling better!

Does your dog need to see the vet?

Take the Itch Quiz


Antihistamines and OTCs May Not Be the Best Options for Allergic Itch

Shampoo or coconut oils may not relieve allergic itch in dogs

Shampoo or coconut oil

Itch-relief shampoos, coconut oil, or other home remedies you buy online or at the store may provide a little temporary relief, but they don’t get to what’s causing allergic itch.

Antihistamines may not relieve allergic itch in dogs


Antihistamines may relieve respiratory allergies in humans, but are often not effective to treat skin allergies in dogs.1 They can also cause unwanted side effects, like drowsiness.2

Grain-free diets are unlikely to help relieve allergic itch in most dogs

Grain-free diets

Grain-free diets are unlikely to help relieve allergic itch in most dogs. That’s because protein sources, not grain, are the most common cause of food allergies in dogs.3


Why My Dog?

It’s not your fault. Just like humans, dogs can get allergies too.
Here are some common causes of allergic itch in dogs:

  • Environmental allergens: pollen,
    dust mites, and mold
  • Food allergies
  • Flea allergies
  • Contact allergens: household cleaners, shampoos, plants, and insecticides
Why Me?

Why Me?


Do you see these telltale signs?

Frequent scratching, licking, or chewing

Frequent rolling, rubbing, or scooting

Ear problems:
head shaking, smelly ear discharge, or scratching at ears

If you do, it’s a good idea to talk to your vet.

Take a Ride to the Vet

Skin allergies are the #1 reason dogs are brought to the


Are You on the Itch Relief Roller Coaster With Your Dog?

Are You on the Itch Relief Roller Coaster With Your Dog?


Ruh Roh, Still Itchy?

Ruh Roh Still Itchy?


Let the Good Times Roll

Let the Good Times Roll


Dr. Brittany Lancellotti podcasts on a daily oral pill for allergic dog itch

Listen to These

Hear Dr. Brittany Lancellotti,
a veterinary dermatologist, talk
about treating allergic itch in dogs.

Itchy Dog Oral Pill Injection

Blog on antihistamines

Why Antihistamines
May Fail to Control
Itch in Dogs

Studies show antihistamines are often not effective treatments for dogs with allergic dermatitis (skin allergies).1,5

Read Now

Itch Tracker Tool

Track Your
Dog’s Allergic Itch

Use our itch tracker, located in
this downloadable brochure,
to keep a record of your dog’s
itch and bring it to your vet visits.

Download Now

Blog on when to see the vet

When to Go to the
Vet for Your Pet’s Skin

Dog itch is a common behavior, but sometimes it can indicate an underlying issue. Learn what to look for and expect at your vet visit.

Read Now


Prescription treatment can help!
Talk to your vet today about:  

Fast-acting oral medication   Long-lasting injection